Tuesday 11 May 2010

Veltop...What's it really like? An update

I have just been told by Stéphane Delery at Cyclo-System (the Veltop manufacturer) that they are happy to provide the recumbent trike version for review.  The test Veltop will come complete with fixings for my ICE QNT and should arrive sometime in the next few weeks…Watch this space for details!
Copyright of the included image remains with Cyclo-System.
Please do not use without permission.


  1. So where is the review?

  2. Hello Marty – Unfortunately the French company who make the Veltop didn’t send a complete Trice mounting kit or fixing instructions in English. This lead to the windscreen being damaged first time out. However Veltop were extremely helpful and sent a replacement screen but, due to language difficulties, not the missing parts. They only realised crucial bits were missing two days ago. The test will begin directly these parts arrive from France. Thanks for your interest in the Veltop...

  3. My Recumbent Veltop Review is now complete. Please see item posted today...
